Diridon area neighborhood group dang
In early September 2019, the Delmas Park Neighborhood Association joined with several other nearby neighborhood associations to form the Diridon Area Neighborhood Group (DANG). The purpose of the group is to form a collective voice that can help guide the changes and developments that are coming to the area. DANG is not a NIMBY organization. Our neighborhoods strongly support these developments. But we understand the need to participate in the process to ensure that the changes are positive for the neighborhoods that are affected directly and for the City as whole. DANG is a conduit for the neighborhoods to express our desires and needs to developers and to City officials. Bob Staedler, principal with Silicon Valley Synergy, has been retained as a consultant to help the organization manage, understand, and respond to these issues.
The press release that originally announced the formation of DANG, included in the Document Library, describes more details of the rationale for the group. Also available below is a video of an interview with Kathy Sutherland and Laura Winter, the cofounders of DANG, with Terry Christensen on “Valley Politics” on CreaTV San José. More information is available on the DANG website.
In 2021, several of the members of the DANG, including the leaders of Delmas Park neighborhood, formed the Stakeholders + Neighborhoods Initiative, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable corporation. The mission of S+NI is to leverage technology and institutional knowledge to engage and communicate with our neighbors. It is a collaboration that has evolved from the Strong Neighborhoods Initiative of the 1990s to unite our neighborhoods with existing and new stakeholders to achieve beneficial outcomes for everyone. As stated in their mission statement, “S+NI doesn’t believe in pushing one neighborhood’s problem onto a nearby neighborhood. Quite simply, we are everyone’s neighbor, and we bring solutions that work to a complex process.” Learn more about S+NI by visiting their website, www.TheSNI.org.